Thursday, May 28, 2009

The biggest inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves.

I guess here it first post.

This is a blog about me and my way to achieving my goals and aspirations.

Currently this is a time in my life when there is a huge amount of uncertainties and unknowns and although it somewhat scares me, it also means that it is an opportunity for me to take up something challenging...

At this point I suppose education is my nr one priority...there are a few weeks left till I hopefully get my degree, implying that I will go back to my home country in a few weeks....back Home :))

Next to studies....I have two goals/dreams...about which I have been thinking a long time....(1) loose weight and (2) run a marathon. My ultimate goal is to participate in a triathlon thus a marathon is a step in that direction. Now I run on a regular basis, but should do much more....I plan to take up swimming and cycling after I return home in the middle of summer, so now running is the thing I do. I have also chosen a marathon for which I believe I can ready for and that would be the Graz Marathon in Austria on the 11th of October, 2009.